Parenting can feel all-consuming at times, especially as an adoptive parent or a parent of a SEN child. And no doubt you’re riding the waves daily.
But despite doing your utmost to do the best for your family, and parent in a way that nurtures and encourages your child, deep down, there’s that little niggle of frustration that’s pulling at you.
“Where’s the time for ME?” “How do I get that headspace to pursue MY goals and dreams?”
But even daring to think these thoughts brings on that dreaded mum guilt, doesn’t it? And I know you don’t want to feel this way anymore.
🌟 You want to be wholly present during your precious time with your children.
🌟You want to be the shining light that guides them.
🌟You want to be your child's place of calm & safety, helping them regulate when life gets a bit much!
Maybe you’ve even participated in a therapeutic parenting course (or two!) or sought the help of post-adoption services.
🌟 But you’re still left wondering… “Where’s the support for ME?”
🌟 Where are those other people like me who are going through a similar experience?
🌟 Where are the people who “get it”?!
Well, firstly, let me tell you that it’s absolutely fine to feel all these feelings.
And, secondly, let me tell you that you’re not alone. These were the exact same questions I asked myself a few years ago.
I was going through a particularly tough time, where i was living day to day and was struggling to see the wood for the trees. My wellbeing was low on the priority list and I knew that something had to change.
I quickly began to realise that I needed to surround myself with people who understood what I was going through. I needed to surround myself with people who “get it”. I needed some peer-to-peer support.

Hi, I’m Katy, an adoptive mum to two gorgeous boys who came home to us as babies.
I offer holistic and wellbeing support for adoptive parents, including connection circles, retreats, Gong sound therapy and bespoke 1:1 coaching programmes.
My coaching programmes are also suitable for non-adoptive parents who have children with SEN.
My children are and always will be my top priority, so I totally understand wanting to parent in the best way you possibly can. But I also know what it’s like to feel like you have to put your own hopes and dreams on hold.
But through my coaching journey, immersing myself in wellbeing practices and following my spiritual path, I can now live my own life, pursue my own ambitions and still be there for my boys.
And I’m now on a mission to empower other adoptive parents to do the same!
If you’re going through a tough spell right now, I can guarantee that looking after yourself will be the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Because it’s only from a place of stability that you can start to question and dig deep into who you are and what you want your life to look like.
The Adoption Support Fund doesn’t support wellbeing for parents, so my aim is to make MY wellbeing support accessible to everyone.
Are you ready to put those steps in place to achieve your hopes and dreams whilst still being there for your family?
Whether you’re looking for free tips and insights, bespoke 1:1 coaching, rejuvenating wellness retreats or informational workshops, here’s how I can help you…
Feel calmer and clear on your path forwards, with a focus on YOUR needs.
My signature 1:1 personalised coaching programme (6 months)
A bespoke 6-month 1:1 coaching programme for adoptive parents who are ready to embed new habits and behaviours, so they can deeply reconnect with what brings them meaning in life.
Gong Sound Healing
1:1 & Group
Gong sound healing for all, to help you switch off, relax, and de-stress!
One to one or group in - person Gong Baths around Bradford on Avon.
“I was feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed with trying to juggle starting a new business, moving house and looking after my family all at once! After our session, I felt positive and excited to work on my goals using the tools you suggested. It was nice to feel that the huge list of things had been prioritised into something more manageable."
Ellen, Calm & Clarity Session