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Katy Smith
May 17, 20243 min read
Wellbeing support for adopters: Insights from an adoptive parent and holistic coach
Wellbeing can mean different things to each person and this is why I wanted to share what it means to me in my capacity as an adoptive...
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Katy Smith
Aug 4, 20233 min read
How can coaching help you as an adoptive parent?
Being an adoptive parent is an amazing and transformative experience, filled with immense love, joy, and challenges. As you navigate this...
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Katy Smith
Jul 4, 20233 min read
Surviving the summer and staying calm: tips for adoptive parents
The summer season brings warmth, sunshine, and exciting adventures. However, for adoptive parents, this time of the year may also present...
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Katy Smith
May 3, 20233 min read
What triggers the way you feel as an adoptive parent?
Do you know? Perhaps you blame others for the way you’re feeling or the mood that you’re in. Perhaps you think you have rotten luck and...
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Katy Smith
Mar 28, 20235 min read
3 reasons why I became a Wellbeing Coach supporting adoptive parents.
I’m an adoptive parent In my mid 30’s, my husband and I adopted our eldest son as a baby. We adopted again 3 years later and our second...
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Katy Smith
Jan 26, 20233 min read
Why a Vision Board can help you figure out what you want in life!
Why a Vision Board can help you figure out what you want in life..
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Katy Smith
Dec 5, 20223 min read
5 FREE ways to lift your mood for stressed out parents!
How do you lift YOUR mood? Tips for the run up to Christmas to help you feel great!
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